Planning and building to deliver efficient and equitable access for patients

20 October 2024

When Slav Sapeta, who is Director, Patient Flow for the merged hospital, and Julie Weir, Senior Project Leader (SPL), Redevelopment Team first became co-workers in the Occupational Therapy Department more than a decade ago, little did they know that their experiences would be critical in the planning of a new hospital building in 2024.

Julie is one of six SPLs co-leading 42 hospital user groups, with more than 250 team members, identifying functional program requirements for the new building. Slav is a member of the Environmental Services (EVS) user group.  

During that meeting, the functional programming consultant asked about the critical role the EVS team plays in supporting smooth patient flow and the role of a Command Centre.  

“Our common vision is to create an integrated model that will improve patient flow throughout our sites, which in turn reduces potential delays and duplication of services and most important, enriches patient experiences,” said Slav.

He added that they are thinking ahead about new possibilities and identifying strategies to fix some processes which can’t be addressed currently due to infrastructure and system constraints.

That thinking has led to implementing a Command Centre Focus Group which has evolved from discussions at several user groups. Along with Slav, team members from Bio-Medical, Decision Support, EVS, Facilities and Plant Maintenance, Infection Prevention and Control, Information Technology, Materials Management, Patient Registration, Portering and After-hours administration will come together to  discuss how a central Command Centre for the organization would have overall awareness of what’s happening across the sites, in real time, leveraging technology to quickly move patients to the right place for the right care.

“We are thinking ahead, not in the here and now,” said Slav.

Pictured from left to right are Slav Sapeta, Director, Patient Flow for the merged hospital, and Julie Weir, Senior Project Leader, Redevelopment Team who are working together through user group meetings to plan efficient and equitable access for patients across the organization’s sites.